26 MayBodybuilding mibolerone Cheque Drops steroids powder 3704-09-4

Brand names Cheque Drops

CAS Number 3704-09-4
Formula C20H30O2
Molar mass 302.4558 g/mol


Mibolerone is a veterinarian grade anabolic steroid that was released in the 1960’s by Upjohn under the brand name Cheque Drops and later as Cheque Medicated Dog Food. The purpose of this steroid is to disrupt the menstrual cycle of a female dog in order to prevent pregnancy. As with many steroid hormones, and this includes veterinarian grade, it wasn’t long after its inception that athletes and bodybuilders found a use.
Cheque Drops is one of the most potent anabolic steroids ever made. It is also one of the most problematic steroids ever made in terms of side effects. This isn’t a steroid often used by novice bodybuilders or athletes. You’ll most commonly find its use limited to pre-fight or powerlifting competitions. Some bodybuilders will use it pre-contest to aid in the final weeks or in the off-season for an extra push, but it’s not a very common bodybuilding steroid. We’ll understand this steroid’s lack of appeal to many bodybuilders as we continue.

Mibolerones was initially as a veterinary product used to keep female dogs under control while they are in heat by shutting down the cycling of their ovaries. With proper timing, breeders are able to regulate the heat cycles of their bitches. Eventually, athletes began to utilize the product in order to boost aggression before events. It was even rumored that Mike Tyson was on Cheque Drops during the infamous ear biting incident during his bout with Holyfield. However, the late great guru Dan Duchaine discovered the application of Cheque Drops in modern bodybuilding far before that. The drops went in and out of production several times, before making a recent insurgence due to the piqued interest in the product thanks to the growing popularity of ultimate fighting circles.

Effects of Cheque Drops
The purpose of human Cheque Drops use is to increase aggression. This is the only reason of significance any steroid user will use this anabolic steroid. It’s very common to say all anabolic steroids increase aggression, but this isn’t true when we look at the data. Most users of anabolic steroids will not experience any relative increases in aggression with steroid use, and hard data backs this up. But with Cheque Drops the increases in aggression are very realistic, and it’s what the individual does with the aggression that makes it good or bad. Aggression in of itself isn’t a bad thing; in fact, aggression can be a very positive attribute, but only in sane and level headed individuals. If the individual is already problematic in his behavior the use of Cheque Drops is only going to amplify it.

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